The decrease in blood flow and glucose’s effects on skin elasticity amplifies the appearance of aging.
Wrinkles, loss of vibrant skin, and aging cells in blood vessel walls cause reduction in oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Tissue becomes thinner, and there is a reduction in collagen and elastin.
Glucose, unable to access cells, concentrates in an extracellular matrix, increasing connections and the hardening of collagen and elastic reduces elasticity.
Ultrasound and electric fields increase blood flow. This results in an increased flow of nutrients, growth factors, and absorption of glucose.
Repairs blood vessel walls
Repairs collagen and elastin’s elasticity
Creates new collagen
The results certainly support the statement that CUSEFS has an immediate effect on wound healing in stalled chronic wounds. Continued use of CUSEFS helps to heal these wounds in a much timelier fashion.
In chronic wounds, cellular and sub-cellular activities are decreased. Treatment of chronic wounds benefits from ultrasound therapy by increasing local blood flow in the wound and preowned area, stimulating angiogenesis, increasing vascular permeability, cellular protein synthesis, and improving collagen substance and substance and configuration.