Aveli™ Cellulite Reduction in Scottsdale, AZ

What is Aveli™?

This innovative procedure provides a meaningful and lasting reduction in cellulite dimples.  Cellulite is a common concern for many women (up to 90% of us!). It’s not your fault – genetics and hormones play a big role. Cellulite is caused by fibrous bands (called septa) that connect your skin to deeper structures. Think of them as connective tethers. While some septa are good, others can stiffen or shrink over time, creating the dimpled appearance we call cellulite. It’s important to distinguish cellulite from other concerns. Laxity is loose skin, while localized fat refers to stubborn fat deposits. We can discuss these differences further during a consultation. Say goodbye to surface-level solutions! Avéli™ is different and takes a scientific approach. This innovative and minimally-invasive procedure gets to the root cause of cellulite dimples, offering lasting results in a single treatment. Avéli™ targets the issue from the inside-out, providing long-lasting results in a single session with minimal downtime.

Who is Aveli™ for?

Avéli™ is cellulite reduction tailored for you. If you are a woman in Scottsdale looking for long-term reduction in cellulite dimples from a single, minimally invasive in-office procedure, Avéli™ could be for you! This versatile treatment is suitable for a range of women with a range of cellulite concerns. One of our trained providers will use a specialized device to manually target the septa bands, the root cause of cellulite dimples.  Avéli™ tackles cellulite at its source – the fibrous bands (septa) that pull your skin down. 

What Should I Expect after Aveli™?

Most patients returned to normal activities within 24-48 hours. It is recommended to avoid any strenuous activities or workouts in the first few days/weeks after the procedure to allow the area to heal. In the clinical study, the most common side effects reported were mild pain within the first 24 hours and bruising and tenderness to the touch which typically resolved within 30 days. Small areas of firmness, usually not visible or painful, typically resolved in a couple of months. We will provide you with complete post-procedure expectations and recommendations.

What Does the Aveli™ Treatment Consist of?

A typical procedure will take around an hour, including local anesthesia and the procedure itself. Exact timing will vary depending on the personalized procedure plan from your provider.

Targeted Approach: Our trained provider uses a specialized device to gently guide Avéli™ under your skin, reaching the exact location of the cellulite dimple.

Precise Release: Once the culprit septa bands are identified, they’re carefully released.

Real-Time Results: Your provider can confirm the septa release right away, allowing you to see and feel a visible difference in your skin’s texture.

Aveli™ Before and After

Why Choose Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics?

Adam and Eve Medical Aesthetics in Scottsdale provides a full menu of safe and effective skin treatments that help you look and feel your best. All procedures are completed by licensed doctors, nurses or aestheticians who understand skin conditions and skin care from a medical point of view. Personalized treatment plans are developed for each client with a focus on your concerns and goals.

Our Facility is Highly Rated Among the Top 1% in the United States.

We continue to earn Allergan’s Diamond status award in recognition of our patient care standards and commitment to ongoing training, safety and innovative practices. Our medical aesthetics facility is also modern and an enjoyable place to spend part of your day with a serene, comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
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